Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Newbie to the Cable KAL: Heres My Project(s)

Ok as anything else I do. I do it obessively. Obsessive Compulsive since 1966 which is not a bad thing. I just started knitting this year. I must be the odd ball since I really like DPN and Cables but I think I have found my place with you guys! Thanks for letting me join.

On with the show:

Project One:

KnitScenes Fall/Winter 2005
Project 17
Soft and Cable-y Fingerless Mitts
Yarn Flanell mit Merino by StahlscheWolle (Color 1461)
Needle size US9

These are very quick and easy. I feel like I have been doing the Michael Jackson though. I finished the one warmer about 1 1/2 weeks ago and I just have not got going on the other one. The only thing that I would probably do to change this pattern is instead of doing the thumb opening like they say to pick up and knit in the round. I would leave that off. It seems to be just a tad to big and I only did 3 rows. I might do a pickup and a bind off to see if that just makes a more finished edge on it. Also since I never follow the directions to the tee using my own idea of yarn I had to do a minor alteration. I love the fit of the glove but at the hand portion it seemed just a little to loose so I sewed in Elastic Thread in a matching grey color. You can not even see it and it took care of eactly what I needed. I love that Rainbow Elastic Thread by K1C2.

Project Two:

Family Circle Easy Knitting Holiday 2005
Project 17 Cabled Headband
Yarn Karabella Aurora Bulky
(Color 22)
Needle size US9 Straights

The frogs have been crocking away at this project. I was more then 1/2 way completed when I completely messed it up. I started to take it out and then it was just a mess. So I ribbited once... then twice... then three times. All my fault. I like the pattern and the instructions it just seemed that was not a day that I should have been working on cables. I totally messed it up but I am back on it again. It should not take that long it just seems that I can not get it together. LOL

Project Three:

Cloud 9 Gloves - WristWarmers
by Midnightsky Fibers Blog
Yarn Karabella Aurora Bulky
(Color 10)
Needle Size US7 DPD
Color 10

I discovered these yesterday and I was intreged by the thumb opening. I should be working on my other glove and finishing it but I just can not seem to get it together to work on it. Since I did not like the openning. I thought I would see how this ones goes. I like this one some much more but I can see that I am going to want to incorperate the 2 together. I like to have the ribbing on the rest of the glove where this one does not have ribbing. I like the appeal of this one. It is very quick and easy to make. This one I started last night while sitting in front of the TV. Something that I never do. I usually go and hide somewhere and knit. But last night I sat with my DH and my DSS and his girlfriend. I was able to get alot completed in a very short period of time. This is a must try pattern. Very easy to alter.

Last and Final Project(s):

I found this great simple book at Barnes and Noble the other day. Just Scarves by Lion Brand I was not going to buy it at the time becuase there were only 2 patterns that I really wanted out of it but I hesitated. I got home and then thought about the book more and had to run down there the next morning and get it. The book has several cable projects in it. The first is picture on the cover a very bulky scarf with one large cable. The other pattern is also a bulky weight shoulder wrap. I am going to make both of them but I have to wait for the yarn to arrive. I am going to make them with Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande.

I would like to tell you just how talented you all are. I love looking at all your fantastic projects and ideas. Thank you once again for letting me join your little realm of the web. I hope to be able to show more progress in the near future of my projects.
Stay Tuned for more of my exciting life with Cabling!

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